Our Story
A simple, actionable approach to our lives.
Life Calibration is a simple life calibration tool for overextended professionals and business owners to help them gain more fulfillment, clarity, and perspective. It was created out of necessity by founder Eddie Lawrence after a life-altering experience.
This tool helps individuals uncover their innate talents and strengths. Through regular practice, users learn to nurture and apply these gifts. As a result, they often discover their life’s purpose, find ways to serve others, and embark on a fulfilling personal journey.
Eddie’s Story
I was 47 years old; I have an amazing wife and wonderful children and a beautiful home. I am the busiest I have ever been, my wife and I are building our business, life is good. Or was it?
I felt miserable and unhappy. Why? That I had difficulty answering.
While I had my bouts of funk, I was not a depressive person, so why the discontent? Maybe being a small business owner was not the journey I had anticipated. It was a seat belts on, pedal to the metal, slam the brakes, air bags deployed, I think I’m going to puke get me off this ride kind of trip. I think many business owners, managers, and professionals can relate to this at one time or another. I was pushing forward, wheels spinning in the mud, just because you punch the gas pedal does not always mean that you go faster. I was neglecting myself, as well as other aspects of my life. My health took the back seat, hell, it was more like tuck and roll, out of the car you SOB.
Well, all that caught up to me. On Sept. 2, 2015, at 3:30 a.m. I was dead on my bathroom floor in front of the sink with my wife trying to find a pulse. I remember waking Holly up, sitting down in front of the bathroom cabinets and giving her a play by play. “Holly something’s wrong, I am losing my sight, Holly I’m losing my hearing and that was it.” I began profusely vomiting blood and there I was, an instant later not breathing and no pulse.
I looked like a pathetic corpse from the Walking Dead and all for what? I have a young adult son and two grandchildren, one of them just born a month ago. I have a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old daughter asleep in bed and who would take care of them now? The thought of them being without their father in their lives broke my heart in ways that there are no words. Time ceased for me; we do not know for sure how much time had passed by. In those long moments time truly stood still. My life was quickly and quite suddenly becoming a fading dream to me…
Then as sudden as it ended, I was back!
The EMT’s arrived and put me on an IV to replenish the fluids that I had lost. I was in the hospital for two days from an internal lower esophageal bleed that I had been completely unaware of. I had been given a second chance; I knew I had to make changes. Over the course of the following days, weeks, months, and years, I began to gain a new perspective. There is a sense of genuine gratitude for my life and everything in it. Not that I did not have this prior, however, this was a far deeper perspective and gratitude than before. I began getting down with the real work. I needed to fill my empty tank and that begins with me.
For too long I had been working harder and not smarter, as the saying goes. I had to discover how to live a more fulfilling life and still run a business. I began to analyze how and where I was spending my time. I understood that my life was, and had been, way out of balance and I needed the tools to calibrate my life. My wife, Holly, and I were taking shop ownership classes and getting consulting for the last five years; we needed to put more of those tools in place. We did this and things began to improve, however, I still needed the tools to help calibrate me.
With the thousands of books on self-improvement out there I did not have time to do the necessary research that it would take for me to do this. So, I began to create the content before I consumed the content. This is when I began to develop and discover the Life Calibration as a tool to help me identify what areas of my life that I had been unintentionally neglecting. I created it out of necessity. This discovery would develop into the Life Calibration. This method continues to evolve into something of a simple actionable approach to our lives. I’ve often heard that people who experience a brush with death as I had, come away from the experience transformed by a new perspective. I can definitely say that this happened for me.
How Did “Life Calibration” Help Me?
You do not have to have a brush with death to experience positive change and contentment in your life. Do not wait until you are at deaths door to make a positive effective change in your life. You may not get another chance at it. The Life Calibration method is designed to be a simple actionable tool to zoom out and easily view all the areas of your life at a glance and identify what areas are lacking.
In doing this, I began to be very aware of how and where I was spending my time.
I made a much greater effort to make my time spent with those I loved quality time. Not that my time spent with my children and wife was not quality before, however, it was better now. All those long hours I used to spend at my business was just busy work; now, I am getting more accomplished in less time on actions that can be better attributed towards my desired ideal scene. I also identified the things that I enjoyed doing that had ceased for quite some time and once I began doing them again, I gained momentum and the inspiration followed.
In short, over the course of the following years my awareness of how I had been using my time was made apparent. I accomplished more than I had in many years. I began to take better care of my health, mind, body, and spirit; I was working on myself. My relationship with my wife nurtured, matured, and grew into something greater. I spent more quality time with my children; I planned more family vacations. I built better relationships with my staff; I made more friends; we grew the company gross sales by 64%. I built & patented a music product. I wrote and published a children’s book for my daughters.
I began playing and writing music again; and I began discovering my new firsts and as a result, I was happier. I had calibrated my life and now I want to share this with others. When you begin to work on yourself, all else will follow. My definition here of “New Firsts” are the new positive experiences that we can experience in our lives. New firsts can be a new interest, new hobby, new sport, learning a new subject, new places, new destinations or just expanding your knowledge and skill of a current interest. It can also be a new mindset, spiritual growth, and a new higher level of your physical health. A positive new first energizes you and creates a sense of fulfillment. You can easily loose time when you experience a positive new first. It is something that you can be thoroughly lost in for hours, it is therapeutic in mind, body, and spirit, it is fun, it brings you peace and fulfills something deep within you.
Proof of Concept
After using the Life Calibration on myself for a year and a half, I began to share it with my staff with great results. They used it and made positive changes in their lives. I have given workshops on it with incredibly positive feedback. I am currently publishing the companion book entitled, “Life Calibration: Stop Running on Empty.”
I am sharing it with other business owners, professionals, experts in their respective fields and people in general to bring others together; that the Life Calibration will help them in their lives and continue to grow and develop into something greater.
Final Thought
Where the life areas and aspects intertwine is our selfhood. It is who we are and what we do; it is our collective memories and our thoughts; it is our internal narrative, as well as our external. It is our story.
It is our journey. It is our life.
All the life categories that spoke out from the gears intersect and mesh and are all the aspects of our lives. They define where and how we use our time. At a glance, we can focus on all the life aspects, and it places some clarity where there were feelings of being overwhelmed. It gives these areas of our lives a place; a place to think about and to build upon in our workshops.
Make the best use of your time while you are here. The years pass more rapidly, the days grow short as we grow older. Be kind to yourself, be kind to others. Find joy, laughter, and love in the things you do. Nourish yourself, so that you may nourish others.
Better yourself, for the betterment of all.

Chris’ Story
Welcome to my world, where every day is a journey toward greater learning, understanding, and application. I’m Chris Lawson, and my life is built on a foundational belief that, second only to love, learning is the most enriching and transformative endeavor a person can engage in.
This principle is not just a philosophy for me; it’s the driving force behind every decision I make, every challenge I take on, and every solution I craft.
My adventure into the field of personal and professional development began back in the early ’90s, when, as a 23-year-old, I stepped into the competitive arena of Denver’s real estate market. The turning point came when I was introduced to the transformative wisdom of Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz and Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. These books were more than just reads; they were revelations. They taught me the power of the mind and the potential of applying learned knowledge to achieve real-world success. Since then, I’ve revisited Hill’s work annually, discovering new insights with each read and applying them across my ventures—from real estate to digital marketing, to recruiting and eventually to working with Eddie Lawrence on growing Life Calibration.
Life Calibration is not just a concept; it’s a reflection of my life’s work and philosophy. It embodies the essence of learning, growing, and transforming not just oneself but extending that transformation to others. My passion for continuous learning and my innate curiosity have fueled my journey and enabled me to help others recalibrate their lives towards more meaningful, fulfilled, and impactful paths.
In my life, I’ve worn many hats: a learner, a mentor, an entrepreneur, and a caregiver. Each role has presented its unique challenges, from launching successful businesses to navigating the complexities of personal loss and responsibility. My approach has always been to lean into what I know best—learning and applying knowledge to solve real problems. This approach is what I share with the individuals I mentor: discover your strengths, pursue them with passion, and use them to make a positive impact in the world.
My legacy, as I envision it, is simple yet profound. I want to be remembered as someone who loved to learn and loved to share that learning even more. My contributions through Life Calibration and my various ventures speak to the core areas I believe are crucial for a fulfilling life: Self-Realization, Financial Independence, and Health and Fitness. My journey is a testament to the belief that personal growth and the willingness to help others grow is the key to a life well-lived.
As you navigate through Life Calibration, you’re seeing more than a methodology; you’re witnessing my life’s philosophy in action. It’s about embracing temporary discomfort for growth, like my daily cold showers that remind me life’s treasures lie just beyond the comfort zone. It’s about seeking fun, being present, and living with kindness and curiosity. And above all, it’s about love—for learning, for people, and for the journey itself.
To those walking a path similar to mine, my advice is: Embrace your talents, cultivate them into strengths, and use these gifts to solve the challenges around you.
Life is a grand, continuous learning experience—make it a meaningful one.