Who We Help
As human beings, we come into this world with the inherent abilities and talents needed to lead a meaningful and satisfying life. It is our responsibility to ourselves to identify and utilize these natural gifts, honing our skills through regular practice and nurturing. By doing so, we can discover our true calling and purpose in life, serving others, and embarking on an incredible journey. This is where Life Calibration comes in, helping you to achieve these goals and find fulfillment in life.
The Life Calibration Tool
There are three main areas of your life: Family and Friends, Personal, and Work. Each aspect is interconnected with the other. When you give yourself the opportunity to zoom out for an aerial view of each aspect of your life, you’ll gain insight into what is out of calibration. Life Calibration is to be used as a tool to focus on your wellbeing to become a better version of yourself and to experience more long-term satisfaction in your life.
The Story Behind Life Calibration
For Founder Eddie Lawrence, life was great… until it wasn’t.
On September 2, 2015 at 3:30 a.m. I was dead on my bathroom floor with my wife, Holly, desperately trying to find a pulse.
As a small business owner, I had been living a seat belts on, pedal to the metal, slam the brakes, airbags deployed, I think I’m going to puke get-me-off-of-this-ride lifestyle, and it finally caught up to me.
The answer to every problem that I encountered was to punch the gas pedal and keep moving forward at all costs, and it almost cost me my life, leaving behind a wife, three and six-year-old daughters, a son, and two grandchildren.
The EMTs arrived and rushed me to the hospital, where I spent the next two days healing from an internal lower esophageal bleed that I had been completely unaware of.
I had been given a second chance, and I knew I needed to make changes. I created these tools and the Life Calibration out of necessity, and they have transformed my life. Now, I want to share them with you.
Get Results

A better life starts with yourself.
Knowing how to keep yourself motivated, excited, and firing on all cylinders shouldn’t be a mystery. We have the tool you need to refocus and bring immediate clarity, fulfillment, and perspective to your life and business.
Life Calibration gives you the opportunity to:
- Put yourself first so you have the energy and passion to take care of your family and business (instead of the other way around)
- Refocus on the important aspects of your life to bring lasting meaning and fulfillment
- Commit the time and effort needed to focus, identify, and improve the quality of each aspect of your life
- Stay on track when it feels like the whole world is trying to pull you away from the life you really want to live
A Better Business
Create and build employee retention.
Is your business running on all cylinders, yet you’re struggling to retain employees?
Life is what’s missing. By investing in your employees’ personal growth and providing them with the necessary tools, you can create a positive and fulfilling work environment. Life Calibration can help improve employee retention rates and cultivate a strong work culture for your business.
of an employee’s annual salary is equivalent to the cost of replacing an employee who resigned.
–Work Insitute, 2020
in overall cost of employee turnover in the U.S.
–Work Insitute, 2020
workers left their job because they feel their employer did not care about them.
–Limade, 2020
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The Self-Diagnostic Test

Gain Access to The Life Calibration Tool

There are three main areas of your life: Family & Friends, Personal, and Work. Each aspect is interconnected with the other. Take the self-diagnostic quiz to gain more clarity, focus, and reignite passion for the individual aspects of your life.